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Moving to Your Next Level

Personal & Professional Development

Moving to the next level is more than a buzz phrase or churchy idiom.  It’s serious business if you view your life and work purposefully.  Things can cripple your progress, though they seem unrelated to your goals.

· Ever felt stuck?  No progress & don’t know why?

· Feel like something’s holding you back?

· Wondered what you don’t know that other’s know?

This little book reveals BIG things that mark the distinction between mediocrity and excellence, and will help you get victory over mistakes and missteps that cause defeat, setbacks and keep you stuck.  There’s an anointing on each step that empowers you to YOUR next level so don’t skip steps.  Wherever you are in your life, you can take the steps to move to YOUR next level today.  Start now!  You’ve got what it takes!  

 Let’s get to work!


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Just Thinking w/ Alexis & Me

Personal Development

Wisdom sharing:

What a singular blessing, privilege and crazy wonderful experience it’s been to be the mother of a little sage, who’s grown up to be a well grounded free thinker. For years she’s taken her seat at The Well. Our daily chats, intended to catch up on life and family,  invariably evolve into subjects no one talks about so early in the morning.  In this first little volume in the Women @ The Well series, I share the essence of five such conversations. We invite you to think and grow with us.


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The Top Ten Secrets of Awfully Awesome People

Personal Development

We all know someone we think is awesome.  However you define awesome, they’re it.  Can’t quite put your finger on it, but they’ve got it.  Whatever “it” is, they’ve got it.  How did they get it?  Were they born with it?  What do they know and how do they know it?  Who told them how to be awesome?  What’s their secret?

There’re commonalities among them and that’s what this book is about; ten of the extras on the inside (thought processes, habits, personal ethics …) that scream awesome on the outside.  The secrets in this book bridge the gulf between just plain awesome and awfully awesome. 

You’ve got it!  Release it!  &  Go Be Awesome!


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The Ten Commandments of Excellence (For Preachers)

Standard of Personal/Professional Excellence

In an era when mediocrity is acceptable, dare to be the exception. Our excellent God deserves to be honored and represented with excellence. The people of God need to see what excellence looks like; in you, a reflection of the God about whom you preach.  To serve at the level of excellence you must push yourself to the pinnacle of your best self.  In this thought provoking compilation of spiritual ethics, thinker, pastor, Leadership Development Strategist, C.L. Lawrence, shares make or break fundamentals you cannot get in seminary or bible institutes; speaking candidly sharing empowering tenets, insights, and timeless practices that will get you to your best you.

The author suggests the aura that invites or repels excellence emanates from the level at which one thinks and operates on the inside. Avoid the pitfalls that steal your God given potential, dull your vision, and suffocate ministry. You’ll be inspired by the discussions on:

· The Healthy Ego vs. Ego Gone Wild

· Identity Theft vs. Your Authentic Self

· Serial Killers: Envy & Jealousy

Wherever you are on the journey, the life-giving breath in "The Ten Commandments of Excellence" is for you!


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The Ten Commandments of Excellence (For Preachers)

Excerpt: Commandments #2 and #5
  • #2 Thou Shall Be Thine Authentic Self
  • #5 Thou Shall Flee Jealousy & Envy


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